How can you support?

  • Sweet Pea Scholars

    Kru Oasis Inc. purchases and ships feminine hygiene products and personal care items to teenage girls at two schools in Liberia, West Africa. Your Sweet Pea allocated donation would help cover the cost of items such as sanitary napkins, feminine wipes, deodorant, lotion, dental hygiene products, pain relievers, hand sanitizers, roll-on scented oils, journals, and gel pens.

  • Sanaa Tiba/Juicy Drop In

    Kru Oasis Inc. facilitates monthly art therapy-based workshops for women. Each session highlights an area of importance to mental and emotional wellness including self-care, healing one’s inner child, processing uncomfortable emotions, and goal setting. Your workshop allocated donation would help cover the cost of art supplies for participants, and food and venue costs for in-person meetings.

  • Travel

    Once a year our founder and a few board members travel to Liberia, West Africa to distribute hygiene and personal care items to Sweet Peas, and facilitate a mental and emotional wellness workshop. Your travel allocated donation would help cover the cost of the roundtrip plane ticket.

Ways to give. Please share!


We appreciate your support!